About Captain Taylor Morgan

Taylor “The Captain” Morgan is a modern day pirate who is fighting to restore Balance and #MakeThrivingStandard through inspiring health, fulfillment, and freedom.

He is rebelling against the emasculating norms of society, standing up to the status quo, and rejecting mediocrity.

He has rewritten the rules to live a healthy, fulfilling and free life using The CAPTAIN'S CODE: The 12 fundamental habits by which he and The Crew live.

With the help of The Crew, he is redistributing power and retelling the story of what it means to THRIVE.

Taylor is a Marine Corps veteran, Holistic Lifestyle Specialist, and founder of The Captain’s Lifestyle.

He has spent the past 10 years studying holistic health and has influenced millions of people to #MakeThrivingStandard.

His work has been featured internationally in multiple health and business related publications, podcasts, and even on live news.

His success comes only after many major “failures” he then turned into learning experiences which he attributes to helping him embody “The Captain.”

About Captain Taylor Morgan

Taylor “The Captain” Morgan is a modern day pirate who is fighting to
restore Balance and #MakeThrivingStandard through inspiring
health, fulfillment, and freedom.

He is rebelling against the emasculating norms of society, standing up to the status quo, and rejecting mediocrity.

He has rewritten the rules to live a healthy, fulfilling and free life using The CAPTAIN'S CODE:  The 12 fundamental habits by which he and The Crew live.

With the help of The Crew, he is redistributing power and retelling the story of what it means to THRIVE.

Taylor is a Marine Corps veteran, Holistic Lifestyle Specialist, and founder of The Captain’s Lifestyle.

 He has spent the past 10 years studying holistic health and has influenced millions of people to #MakeThrivingStandard.

His work has been featured internationally in multiple health and business related publications, podcasts, and even on live news.

His success comes only after many major “failures” he then turned into learning experiences which he attributes to helping him embody “The Captain.”

During my time as a machine gunner in the Marine Corps, I hated my life, was stressed out, and had trouble sleeping. My lack of fulfillment and victim mentality drove me to drown my sorrows in alcohol - frequently blacking out and driving back to base drunk, often not remembering how I got there.

2:00AM on May 20th, 2017 - San Clemente, CA.

While drunk out of my mind (as usual), this time with a copious amount of THC in my system, a new experience for me, my life changed forever.

After breaking and entering into someones home, I found myself in a dream-like state jumping from rooftop to rooftop of 3 story beach houses. 

Long story short, I ended up breaking my ankle and missing my next deployment. This literally and figuratively sobered me up.


 I quit drinking for two years and vowed to change my habits and learn everything I could about holistic health and lifestyle optimization so I could reach my full potential and be proud of the man I was becoming.

I became a CrossFit coach and was recruited to work as the head coach of the biggest CrossFit gym in Saudi Arabia for some of the world's wealthiest (and unhealthiest) men…

But I still wasn't fulfilled. I realized that I am NOT an employee. I wanted freedom. And I wanted to impact men’s lives on a deeper level than fitness. I wanted to find ultimate fulfilment for myself and show other men how to do the same. 

That is when I began drafting my MVVP (Mission, Vision, Values, and Purpose).

I soon realized that the longer I worked a job I didn't fully love, no matter how much money I was earning, I wouldn't be fulfilled, and therefore, diminishing my impact on the world. This drove me to dive head first into creating The Captain's Lifestyle Program.

So I burned the ships at the shore, quit my high paying job, and moved back home in 2019 to begin fulfilling my purpose to #MakeThrivingStandard.

I stopped following the old map and created a new map instead, one that leads straight towards the best treasure imaginable - Optimal Health, Fulfilment, and Freedom. 

In my decade long journey to explore everything about nutrition, mindset, movement, productivity, stress management and more, I was able to construct my own perfect picture of health and happiness and now I use this system to help YOU do the same. 

The Captain’s Lifestyle takes my decade of learning, self experimentation and well over a hundred thousand dollars invested in coaches/mentors and distills that wisdom into a complete lifestyle optimization program designed to help you become The Captain of your own life, make a bigger impact on the world, and THRIVE!

My Compass

(Core Values)






My Treasure Map

(Mission Statement)

To Inspire others to #LiveTheCaptainsLifestyle by expressing my Fulfillment, relentless pursuit of Excellence, eagerness to face Challenge, and Adventurous personality in order to #MakeThrivingStandard

Taylor donates 1% of his earnings to environmental causes 🌎